Homeschool Program
Reach out to Alexandra for pricing and information
Please visit​ for all equine information.

Homeschool Program offered Wednesdays 10am-1pm
There is something about a horse that inspires, the language to strength, freedom and flight. Each year, hundreds of children will beg for riding lessons, a pony, or some variation in between. For homeschoolers, equestrian sports offer a way to get active while developing stronger understanding and determination.
Rayshell Ranch Equestrian offers Students a unique and hands on learning experience about our equine friends. This program covers a range of topics, including horse care, grooming, riding techniques, and the anatomy of horses. Students can learn about the responsibilities of horse ownership, the history of horseback riding, and the various disciplines within equestrian sports. Additionally, these programs often emphasize important life skills such as responsibility, patience, and teamwork. By engaging with horses, students can also gain a deeper appreciation for animals and nature, all while enjoying a fun and active outdoor activity.